• Community Health Outcomes and Characteristics

Welcome to the Community Health Outcomes and Characteristics interactive dashboard. This dashboard allows you to choose and view various metrics for Medicare Fee-For-Service beneficiaries residing in a selected community.

HQIN uses Medicare Claims data to create this report for every community that reflects the activity within a selected area of contiguous zip codes. These aggregate data do not feature specific providers and can be reviewed by local coalitions, workgroups, or teams to compare collective outcomes and identify opportunities for further collaboration and improvement. The items featured in the dashboard span six pages with various drop-down menus to enable individualized searches and analysis.

To access the dashboard below, first, select the dropdown menu for “State” to choose KS, MO, SC, or VA; then, select your community. If you do not know the name of your community, enter a zip code to identify the corresponding community. Please note that there are multiple pages of the dashboard report; to view the next page, please scroll down and click the right arrow “>” at the center bottom of the report.  Please check out the HQIN Resource Center for additional information and tools related to the measures in the report.


For more questions or more information about this report, please contact your state’s community health consultant:
Kansas: Mandy Johnson, mjohnson@khconline.org, (316) 681-8200
Missouri: Dana Lammert, dlammert@hqi.solutions, (314) 712-9176
South Carolina: Alyssa Pischel, apischel@constellationqh.org, (919) 461-5528
Virginia: Carla Thomas, cthomas@hqi.solutions, (804) 289-5318