• Who We Help


Community Partners

Partners in more than 40 communities participating in the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) program receive assistance from the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN) to improve health care at the grass roots level by developing local solutions that make care safer, more accessible and less costly. These communities receive no-cost training, access to quality improvement tools and data analyses to guide their progress. They also receive coaching from Health Quality Innovators or one of our locally based HQIN improvement partners, Constellation Quality Health or the Kansas Healthcare Collaborative.

In addition to improving care in their community, health departments, Area Agencies on Aging, emergency medical services, pharmacists, community-based organizations, faith communities, patient and family advocates and other participating partners contribute to these significant national goals:

  • Reduce avoidable hospital admissions and readmissions.
  • Develop effective alternatives to emergency department visits for patients who frequently visit the ER.
  • Prevent opioid misuse, overdoses and deaths and increase access to appropriate treatment programs.
  • Expand screening for chronic kidney disease and access to lifestyle change programs for people with cardiac risks or diabetes.
  • Enhance emergency preparedness planning for viral outbreaks focusing on infection control to minimize spread.
  • Increase vaccination and immunization rates through education on the safety, efficacy and use of vaccines.

Collaborate with the HQIN to Improve Health Care in Your Community

Download our fact sheet to learn more and complete a participation form to join today!

Who We Help