• Resources

COVID-19, Vaccination

Healthy Bites & Insights: Lunch with the HQI Pharmacist Series

Slides: Session 1: The Invisible Glue - Trust

Quality Improvement

Celebrating Achievements in Long-Term Care

Slides: Celebrating Achievements in Long-Term Care

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures

Age-Friendly Hospital Measure Webinar

Download the slides for this webinar, Age-Friendly Hospital Measure, held on October 29, 2024.

Slides: Age-Friendly Hospital Measure Webinar

COVID-19, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination


This set includes printable COVID BINGO game cards, a word list for callers and instructions. This educational game can be played with residents, staff, family members or a combination of all participants.

Covid Bingo Instructions

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Vaccination, Webinar

Infection Prevention and Control Office Hours

Slides: Fall Respiratory Season Preparation (9/18/24)

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Enhanced Barrier Precautions Toolkit

This toolkit serves as a guide to assist long-term care facilities through implementation of Enhanced Barrier Precautions in their facility using information obtained from the CDC guidance, Consideration for Use of Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Skilled Nursing Facilities.

Enhanced Barrier Precautions Toolkit_091924


Fall Respiratory Season Preparation Checklist

Fall Respiratory Season Preparation Checklist

NHSN, Webinar

NHSN Reporting Essentials for Long-Term Care Facilities

Slides: NHSN Reporting Essentials for Long-Term Care Facilities

COVID-19, Infection Prevention

Return to Work Criteria for Healthcare Personnel with COVID-19

Return to Work Criteria for Healthcare Personnel with COVID-19

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, Care Transitions, Chronic Care Management, COVID-19, Emergency Preparedness, Health Equity, High Reliability/HRO, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, NHSN, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Quality Improvement, Readmissions, Sepsis

HQIC Interventions and Resources Tool

HQIC Interventions and Resources

Quality Improvement, Webinar

Facility Assessment: More Than a Regulatory Requirement

Slides: Facility Assessment: More Than a Regulatory Requirement

Readmissions, Webinar

Collaborative Care in the Commonwealth: A Virginia EDCC Program Showcase

Slides: Collaborative Care in the Commonwealth: A Virginia EDCC Program Showcase

Quality Measures

Quick Start Guide: Patient Safety Structural Measure

Quick Start Guide: Patient Safety Structural Measure

Quality Measures

Quick Start Guide: Age-Friendly Hospital Measure

Quick Start Guide: Age-Friendly Hospital Measure

Emergency Preparedness

Hazardous Vulnerability Assessment Checklist

Hazardous Vulnerability Assessment Checklist

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Vaccination, Webinar

Beyond COVID – What Comes Next? Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Beyond COVID – What Comes Next?”

Beyond COVID - What's Next? Slides

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Planning Simple Strategies


Daily Strategies To Use During Your Nursing Home Stand-Up Meetings – Series Focus: Sepsis

Download this Health Quality Innovation Network resource, which is a four-week education series tailored for nursing home stand-up meetings aimed at decreasing sepsis.

The five short, concentrated evidence-based talking points in each week’s lesson can easily be included in daily stand-up meetings to increase staff knowledge on relevant sepsis topics. The program is designed to empower nursing home staff with practical knowledge to foster a safe environment.

We would also appreciate your feedback on this education series. Please share your experience in using the content and materials offered in the Nursing Home Stand-Up Series.

Nursing Home Stand-Up Meetings - Full Series - Sepsis Focus

Emergency Preparedness, Quality Improvement

Emergency Preparedness Self-Assessment Flyer

Is Your Emergency Preparedness Plan Survey Ready? Flyer

Emergency Preparedness, Patient and Resident Safety

Emergency Preparedness Tabletop Exercises

Evacuation After Action Report/Improvement Plan

Antibiotic Stewardship, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Sepsis Resources

This collection of sepsis resources includes tools to educate staff, residents, families and visitors

Customizable Sepsis Presentation for Residents, Family Members and Visitors

Infection Prevention

Revised McGeer Criteria for Infection Surveillance Checklist

This tool is designed to support facility healthcare-associated infection surveillance using the revised McGeer criteria.

Antibiotic Stewardship, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Sepsis

Urine Culture Diagnostic Stewardship

An evidence-based guide to reducing unnecessary urine cultures in patients with and without urinary catheters.

Urine Culture Diagnostic Stewardship Guide

Advance Care Planning, Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions, Sepsis

Daily Strategies To Use During Your Nursing Home Stand-Up Meetings

The following Health Quality Innovation Network resource is a 9-week education series tailored for nursing home stand-up meetings, aimed at decreasing preventable emergency room (ED) visits and hospital readmissions.

Each week of this resource contains five short, concentrated evidence-based talking points that can easily be included in daily stand-up meetings to increase staff knowledge on relevant topics like effective communication, adverse drug events and infection prevention. The program is designed to empower caregivers with practical knowledge to foster a safer environment.

Download the topic(s) that you want to focus on in your facility or download the entire series and work through all nine weeks.

We’d appreciate your feedback on this education series. Please share your experience in using the content and materials offered in the Nursing Home Stand-Up Series.

Nursing Home Stand-Up Meetings - Full Series

Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Opioid Information Card

Download and post this Opioid Information Card to educate your residents and caregivers.

Opioid Information Card

Patient and Family Engagement, Staffing

Workforce Strategies

Guidelines: Applicant Tracking System

Health Equity, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures

FY24 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Summary

FY24 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Summary


Opioid-Induced Constipation Fact Sheet

Opioid-Induced Constipation Fact Sheet

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination, Webinar

Simple Strategies Stand-Up Webinar Series – 2024

Slides - Long COVID: Reduce the Risk with the Right Resources (3/20/24)

Infection Prevention

Do One Thing Differently Flyer Series

Each fact sheet in this series features an infection prevention topic and simple steps your team can take to reduce infection spread.

Environmental Cleaning and CDI

Quality Measures, Vaccination, Webinar

Don’t Get Tagged: NHSN Reporting Essentials for Long-Term Care Facilities

Slides: Don’t Get Tagged: NHSN Reporting Essentials for Long-Term Care Facilities

Adverse Drug Events, Emergency Preparedness, Medication Safety, Patient and Family Engagement

Meds Matter! Emergency Preparedness Video

This brief video reviews the key parts of an emergency preparedness plan, including one that many people forget about.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

New Year, New Way to Engage Staff in Infection Prevention Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “New Year, New Way to Engage Staff in Infection Prevention”

Slides: New Year, New Way to Engage Staff

COVID-19, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Vaccine Resources Available in Multiple Languages

A collection of vaccine resources to help promote vaccinations to patients, residents, families, staff members, community partners and clinicians are available in Chinese, German, Spanish and Vietnamese.

Each folder below includes the following translated resources: Adult Immunization Flyer, Am I Up to Date with the COVID-19 Vaccine? Flyer, COVID-19 Vaccinations Flyer and Protect Yourself from Pneumonia.

Vaccine Resources in Chinese

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Webinar

Nursing Home Excellence: Prepare, Prevent, Protect Top Performer Program Webinar

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Nursing Home Excellence: Prepare, Prevent, Protect Top Performer Program”

Slides: Prepare, Prevent, Protect Top Performer Program


2024 Opioid eCQM and HQIC Crosswalk

2024 Opioid eCQM and HQIC Crosswalk

Advance Care Planning, COVID-19, Vaccination

Planning for COVID-19 Care Conversation Tool

This tool can be used to assist in developing a resident plan of care. Use the document’s question prompts to guide conversation with the resident.

Planning for COVID-19 Care Conversation Tool

Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Other Topics

'About Me' Form

Chronic Care Management, Patient and Family Engagement

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Nutrition

How to Read a Nutrition Facts Label

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Resident Safety

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Medications

Medication Log

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Pain

Pain Control Without Medication

Chronic Care Management, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Kidney Disease

Chronic Care Management, Diabetes

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Diabetes

Patient and Family Engagement, Sepsis

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Sepsis

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Patients, Families & Caregivers: Vaccinations/Immunizations

Vaccines Save Lives: Protect Yourself from the Flu

Workplace Violence Prevention

Workplace Violence Assessment

Use this resource to assess your organization’s current efforts towards workplace violence prevention and reduction.

Workplace Violence Assessment

Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Vaccine Hesitancy/Misinformation Resources

Talking with Patients About COVID-19

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Diabetes

Partnership to Identify Undiagnosed Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Patients – November 14, 2023

Slides: Partnership to Identify Undiagnosed Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Webinar, Workplace Violence Prevention

Knocking Out Workplace Violence: Strategies for Reducing & Preventing a Rising Trend

Session 1 Slides: Supporting Employees Following Workplace Violence & Stressful Events

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination, Webinar

Simple Strategies Stand-Up Webinar Series – 2023

Slides: Ask the Experts About Immunization (10/26/23)

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Staffing

Stay Informed: Listservs & e-Newsletters to Support Informed Infection Prevention 𑅁 Quality 𑅁 Safety

Download this resource, which provides a list of “go-to” listservs and e-newsletters to support work in quality, safety, infection prevention, and more.

Stay Informed: Listservs & e-Newsletters to Support Informed Infection Prevention 𑅁 Quality 𑅁 Safety

COVID-19, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Outbreak/Pandemic Planning and Educational Resources

Sample Facility Outbreak Memo

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Infection Prevention Signage

Download and print these tools to display in your facility.

Half Page: Who Needs the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Care Transitions, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Readmissions

When to Call for Help Action Plan

Patients can use this zone tool to assess symptoms for a variety of conditions. It provides guidance to help patients understand when to call the doctor (yellow zone) to prevent them from going to the emergency room (red zone).

When to Call for Help Tool

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Survey Readiness Toolkit

This series of tools is designed to assist in everyday compliance and help prepare for surveys and inspections, and can also be used to train new employees during onboarding and annually. The accompanying checklists can be used for training and compliance validation.

The information used for development was gathered from evidence-based sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Prevention (APIC).

Survey Readiness Toolkit: Resource Index

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination


This collection includes a variety of resources to assist in the promotion and acceptance of vaccines.

Cardiac Health, Chronic Care Management, Patient and Family Engagement

Cardiac Rehabilitation Resources

Million Hearts® Cardiac Rehabilitation Change Package

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Pandemic, Outbreak or Endemic? How Do We Protect Ourselves?

This one-page flyer explains the differences among a pandemic, outbreak and an endemic, and how to protect oneself from illness and infection.

Pandemic, Outbreak or Endemic Flyer

Assisted Living and Adult Day Care Resources

Surveillance Tracking Tool

Care Transitions, Health Equity, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions, Webinar

Addressing Disparities Series

Access the slides from the webinars, “Addressing Disparities: Reducing Unnecessary Emergency Department Use” and “Addressing Disparities: The Impact of Chronic Conditions on Frequent Emergency Department Visits.”

Addressing Disparities: Reducing Unnecessary Emergency Department Use

COVID-19, Staffing

Caring for Yourself During an Infectious Disease Outbreak or Pandemic

This one-page flyer lists actions healthcare staff can take to reduce stress during an infectious disease outbreak or pandemic

Caring for Yourself During an Outbreak or Pandemic

Patient and Resident Safety

Is it a UTI?

Use this flyer to help residents, families, guests and visitors learn the signs of a UTI, as well as how to prevent one.

Is It a UTI


Resources to Boost Staff Onboarding, Training & Retention

This 7-page list of curated resources features strategies to build and maintain ongoing progress with staff onboarding, training and retention

Resources to Boost Staff Onboarding, Training & Retention


Opioid Overdose Prevention and MAT Updates Presentation and Slides


Self-Check Tool: Opioid Prescribing

This self-check tool is intended to help acute care organizations evaluate and improve the safety of opioid prescribing.

Self-Check Tool: Opioid Prescribing

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Readmissions, Webinar

Recognize and Respond Collaborative Resources

Access the Recognize and Respond Collaborative Guide and webinar series materials

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Diabetes, Quality Improvement

Chronic Kidney Disease Learning Module Series

This series of brief learning modules addresses best practices and practical solutions for providers and health systems to prevent the progression of chronic kidney disease.

Cardiac Health, Diabetes, Quality Measures

Blood Pressure and A1c: Chart Audit and Responsibility Tools for Clinicians and Staff

The following resources are intended for healthcare professionals to identify opportunities for improvement.

Quality Measure Specifications: Diabetes (ID #1)

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Vaccination, Webinar

Your Health Can’t Wait, Vaccinate! Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Your Health Can’t Wait, Vaccinate! Tools and Resources to Launch a Robust Vaccine Promotion Campaign”

Slides: Your Health Can't Wait, Vaccinate!

Care Transitions, Readmissions

Skilled Nursing Facility Readmissions Self-Assessment

Use this tool to assess your organizational systems and processes to identify areas for improvement in preventing readmissions and preventable ED visits.

Readmissions Self-Assessment

Cardiac Health, Quality Improvement

Practice Blood Pressure Competency Audit Tool

This Excel workbook is a template for practices to self-report data on their manual blood pressure measurement competency.

HQIN Practice Blood Pressure Measurement Audit Tool

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions, Sepsis

Skilled Nursing Facility Re-Hospitalization Risk Assessment

This resource identifies the risk associated with a resident’s discharge for potential rehospitalization.

Re-Hospitalization Risk Assessment

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Is It Really a UTI? Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Is It Really a UTI? Do You Know It When You See It?”

Slides: Is It Really a UTI?

Cardiac Health, Chronic Care Management, Patient and Family Engagement

Blood Pressure Resources for Clinicians and Patients

The following resources are intended for health care professionals and patients to help control blood pressure.

Control Your Blood Pressure

COVID-19, Vaccination

7 Questions About the COVID-19 Vaccine for Adults Flyer

This one-page flyer lists answers, provided by a pharmacist, to seven common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

7 Questions About the COVID Vaccine for Adults Flyer

Health Equity

Health Equity Action Plan

Download and utilize this action plan to design and implement a population health quality improvement project that focuses on understanding and addressing key social drivers of health.

Health Equity Action Plan

Adverse Drug Events

Hospital Adverse Drug Event Self-Assessments

Hospital Anticoagulant Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) Self-Assessment (Basic)

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Your Health Can’t Wait, Vaccinate! Resources

This collection of resources can help you promote vaccinations to patients, residents, families, staff members, community partners and clinicians.

Your Health Can't Wait, Vaccinate! Resource Guide

Infection Prevention, NHSN, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Vaccination, Webinar

Proactive Survey Readiness & Vaccines Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Proactive Survey Readiness & Vaccines”

Slides: Proactive Survey Readiness & Vaccines

COVID-19, Health Equity, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Checklist of Best Practices to Keep Infectious Diseases from Spreading in Nursing Homes

This checklist supplements healthcare agency (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, etc.) guidelines to keep residents, staff and visitors safe in nursing homes.

Checklist of Best Practices to Keep Infectious Diseases from Spreading in Nursing Homes

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Webinar

Quality Assurance and Process Improvement (QAPI) Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Quality Assurance and Process Improvement (QAPI)”

Slides: Quality Assurance and Process Improvement (QAPI)

Care Transitions, COVID-19, Patient and Resident Safety, Readmissions, Webinar

Pneumonia and COVID-19: Posturing for Improved Outcomes Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Pneumonia and COVID-19: Posturing for Improved Outcomes”

Slides: Pneumonia and COVID-19: Posturing for Improved Outcomes

Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, COVID-19, Emergency Preparedness, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, NHSN, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Sepsis

The Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist’s Survival Guide

This toolkit, developed for new infection preventionists, includes guiding checklists and resources to create or enhance an infection prevention and control program.

The Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist's Survival Guide

Care Transitions, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Readmissions, Sepsis

Sepsis Fact Sheets

Add your company logo to these fact sheets to educate your care providers, patients and families on key strategies to improve sepsis care.

Sepsis is a Medical Emergency Fact Sheet

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), Health Equity, Patient and Family Engagement

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Action Plan

Download the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Action Plan.

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Action Plan

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Splash Zone Info Sheet and Sign

This sign, and accompanying info sheet, can be used in facilities to help reduce the risk of contamination due to splashing.

Splash Zone Info Sheet

Emergency Preparedness, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Sepsis, Vaccination

Action Plan Templates

Antibiotic Stewardship Action Plan Template

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Infection Prevention Audit Tools

Antibiotic Stewardship, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Antibiotic Stewardship Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Antibiotic Stewardship”

Slides: Antibiotic Stewardship

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Vaccination

HQIN Tracking Tools

Note:  The Infection Prevention Rock Star! recognition cards are customizable. Open the file in Adobe Acrobat to type in the fillable fields and check the relevant boxes. The cards should be printed double-sided.

Infection Prevention Rock Star! Recognition Cards

Antibiotic Stewardship, Patient and Resident Safety

Antibiotic Stewardship Program Guide for Resource-Limited Settings

This guidance document features steps to improve antibiotic use, improve patient outcomes, reduce costs and combat antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic Stewardship Program Guide for Resource-Limited Settings

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

After Action Report Improvement Plan Template

This tracking form allows teams to record real emergency events or exercises to document the scenario, capabilities tested, strengths, areas for improvement and more.

After Action Report Improvement Plan Template

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination, Webinar

COVID-19 Plan of Care and General Care Planning Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “COVID-19 Plan of Care and General Care Planning”

Slides: COVID-19 Plan of Care and General Care Planning

Antibiotic Stewardship

Do One Thing Differently – Targeting Antimicrobial Stewardship

Download these resources, “Do One Thing Differently – Targeting Antimicrobial Stewardship.”

Targeting Antimicrobial Stewardship: IV to PO Protocol

Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

A Fresh Start to Managing Falls Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “A Fresh Start to Managing Falls”

Slides: A Fresh Start to Managing Falls

Quality Improvement, Sepsis

Simple Strategies For Addressing Sepsis

Download Simple Strategies to help you address sepsis.

Simple Strategies - Forming a Hospital Sepsis Improvement Committee

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), Patient and Family Engagement

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Newsletters and Resources

Download past newsletters and resources of Simple Strategies for Understanding Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Infection Prevention Program Guide for Healthcare Settings

This document lists a core set of infection prevention and control practices that are required in all healthcare settings, regardless of the type of healthcare provided.

Infection Program Guide for Health Settings

Adverse Drug Events, Opioids

Simple Strategies for Opioid Adverse Drug Events: Keeping a Pulse Check on Your Facility’s Events

Simple Strategies for Opioid Adverse Drug Events: Keeping a Pulse Check on Your Facility’s Events

Quality Measures

MIPS Crosswalk

This single-page resource lists various Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) elements and their corresponding MIPS Quality Measures or improvement activities.

MIPS Crosswalk

Quality Measures

Business Associate Agreement

This sample Business Associate Agreement can be downloaded and completed by a covered entity and a business associate, or used as a template to customize a version for your organization.

Business Associate Agreement

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Training, Education, Resident Care Practices Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Training, Education, Resident Care Practices”

Slides: Training, Education, Resident Care Practices

Chronic Care Management, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Diabetes, Quality Measures

Diabetes Learning Module Series

This series of brief learning modules addresses best practices and practical solutions for providers and health systems to prevent diabetes and decrease progression of this disease.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Masking Matters

This one-page flyer explains when to wear a mask versus when to wear a NIOSH-approved respirator and includes a list of additional resources.

Masking Matters Flyer

Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Overdose Prevention: Recognition, Response and Administration of Naloxone Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Overdose Prevention: Recognition, Response and Administration of Naloxone”

Slides: Opioid Overdose Prevention

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination, Webinar

Occupational Health, Immunizations Webinar Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Occupational Health, Immunizations”

Slides: Occupational Health, Immunizations

Cardiac Health, Chronic Care Management, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

Medical Minute Series: Chronic Kidney Disease

Learn about the various elements of effective chronic kidney disease management and prevention in this four-part video series.

Chronic Care Management, Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

Medical Minute Series: Prediabetes and Diabetes

Learn about effective treatments for people with prediabetes and diabetes and the benefits of diabetes prevention programs in this four-part video series.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination, Webinar

Normalizing All Things COVID-19 Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Normalizing All Things COVID-19”

Slides: Normalizing All Things COVID-19

Adverse Drug Events, Opioids, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Opioid Risks and Overdose Prevention in Long-Term Care Facilities Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Opioid Risks and Overdose Prevention in Long-Term Care Facilities”

Slides: Opioid Risks and Overdose Prevention in LTCs

Antibiotic Stewardship

Simple Strategies for Targeting Antimicrobial Interventions

Simple Strategies for Targeting Antimicrobial Interventions

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Cohorting Plan Guidelines

This one-page resource outlines the rationale, responsibilities and fundamentals of cohorting infectious individuals.

Cohorting Plan Guidelines

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

QAA/QAPI Meeting Agenda Guide

This guide outlines regulations and other considerations for a Quality Assurance and Assessment (QAA) committee to coordinate and evaluate activities under the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program

QAA/QAPI Meeting Agenda Guide


NHSN COVID-19 Surveillance and Vaccination Data Weekly Submission Deadlines – 2024

This two-page chart lists the NHSN reporting weeks and submission deadlines for 2024.

LTCF – NHSN COVID-19 Surveillance Pathway and Vaccination Data Weekly Submission Deadlines – 2024

Health Equity, High Reliability/HRO, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

High Reliability Leadership Learning Module Series

This series of brief learning modules was created to help leaders adopt and implement a high reliability culture in their organizations.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Visitation Plan Guidelines

This one-page resource outlines the rationale, responsibilities and protocols for ensuring safe visitation procedures at nursing facilities.

Visitation Plan Guidelines

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Quality Improvement, Vaccination

Resident COVID-19 Vaccination Program QAPI Review

Use this tool as a guide in evaluating your organization’s resident vaccination program. This tool should be completed with input from the entire QAPI team and organizational leadership. The results of this assessment will direct you to areas needing attention to ensure program readiness in supporting resident vaccinations.

Resident COVID-19 Vaccination Program QAPI Review

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Pain Assessment & Management Program Implementation

This assessment explains the elements that should be in place for a successful pain assessment & management program in skilled nursing facilities.

Skilled Nursing Facility Pain Assessment and Management Program

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis, Webinar

A Magic Wand for Avoiding Sepsis: Catching Up On Vaccinations Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “A Magic Wand for Avoiding Sepsis: Catching Up On Vaccinations”

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

CMS QI Voices: Improving COVID-19 Outcomes in Nursing Homes Across America

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Improvement (QI) Voices is an audio series that provides nursing homes with the facts on COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics that support better resident outcomes.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Vaccine Administration Toolkit

These downloadable resources can help your team efficiently and effectively coordinate an on-site vaccine clinic.

Pharmacy COVID-19 Vaccination Administrator Agreement

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Cleaning, Disinfection, Environment of Care Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Cleaning, Disinfection, Environment of Care”

Slides: Cleaning, Disinfection, Environment of Care

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19: Boost Your Protection

A collection of resources expounding the importance of the COVID-19 booster.

COVID-19 Data (Flyer)

Cardiac Health, Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

Team-Based Care

These 2-page resources explain how team-based care takes a collaborative approach that includes individual patients, their families and the entire practice.

Team-Based Care for Diabetes Control

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination, Webinar

Vaccines: Are You Accurately Capturing It All? Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Vaccines: Are You Accurately Capturing It All?”

Slides: Vaccines: Are You Accurately Capturing It All?

Patient and Family Engagement

Simple Strategies for Establishing a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

Strategy 1: Leadership & Organization Readiness

Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Trauma-Informed Care – Part 3 Slides, Recording & Resource

Access the slides, recording and a resource for the webinar “Trauma-Informed Care – Part 3”

Slides: Trauma-Informed Care Part 3

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Hand Hygiene, Personal Protective Equipment & Isolation Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Hand Hygiene, Personal Protective Equipment & Isolation”

Slides: Hand Hygiene, Personal Protective Equipment & Isolation

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Best Practices Pocket Cards

Download and print these double-sided pocket cards for staff in your facility. For best results, print on card stock and flip on long edge (to line up front side of card to back side). We recommend laminating the page before cutting the cards to distribute. If laminating, print on regular copier paper and use a (heavy) 5 mil laminating pouch.

Note: The Cleaning and Disinfection Pocket Card can be customized to include your facility’s products. To type in the fillable fields, open the file in Adobe Acrobat. Also, the Infection Prevention Rock Star! recognition cards are customizable. Open the file in Adobe Acrobat to type in the fillable fields and check the relevant boxes. The cards should be printed double-sided.

Infection Prevention: Enhanced Barrier Precautions Pocket Card (3 per page)

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Cohorting Guidance

This two-page resource provides guidance and additional links to more information about grouping individuals with the same condition in the same location.

Cohorting Guidance

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Sepsis, Webinar

Sepsis Risk Assessment Tool Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Sepsis Risk Tool for Partnership”

Slides: Sepsis Risk Assessment Tool

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Surveillance and Data Analysis Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Surveillance and Data Analysis”

Slides: Surveillance and Data Analysis

Care Transitions, Readmissions

Go to the Hospital or Stay Here?

Download the slide set from the “Go to the Hospital or Stay Here?” learning session.

October 12, 2022, Webinar Slide Set: Go to the Hospital or Stay Here?

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Visitation Guidance Poster for Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Print and display this poster throughout your facility to highlight recommended practices to prevent the spread of illness.

Visitation Guidance to Protect Patients, Residents and Participants

Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Trauma-Informed Care – Part 1 Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Trauma-Informed Care – Part 1”

Slides: Trauma-Informed Care - Part 1

Quality Improvement

Long-term Care & Hospice Coordinated Task Form Tool

Listen to real-world examples of health care personnel implementing the Long-Term Care & Hospice Coordinated Task Form Tool.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

4 Reasons for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings Poster

Download and display this poster to remind staff of when and why hand hygiene is important.

4 Reasons for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings Poster

Health Equity

Social Vulnerability Index Toolkit

This toolkit explains the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), how it is measured and how organizations can use their scores to create and implement health equity interventions.

Social Vulnerability Index Toolkit

Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Quick Start Guide for Community Resources

Quick Start Guide for Community Resources

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Lab Services, Epidemiology, Surveillance, Outbreak Investigation Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Lab Services, Epidemiology, Surveillance, Outbreak Investigation”

Slides: Lab Services, Epidemiology, Surveillance, Outbreak Investigation

Infection Prevention, Sepsis, Webinar

An Approach to Early Sepsis Screening in Nursing Homes: The 100-100-100 Tool Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “An Approach to Early Sepsis Screening in Nursing Homes: The 100-100-100 Tool”

Slides: An Approach to Early Sepsis Screening in Nursing Homes: The 100-100-100 Tool

COVID-19, Patient and Family Engagement, Webinar

Mining for Motivation: Finding Others’ Internal Motivation with Person-Centered Interviewing Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Mining for Motivation: Finding Others’ Internal Motivation with Person-Centered Interviewing”

Slides: Mining for Motivation: Finding Others' Internal Motivation with Person-Centered Interviewing

Antibiotic Stewardship

Antimicrobial Stewardship Summer Camp 2022 Slides

Access the slides from each of the three Antimicrobial Stewardship Summer Camp 2022 webinars.

June 30 Slide Deck: Antimicrobial Stewardship: CDC Core Elements

COVID-19, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

COVID-19 Resident Booster Action Plan Template

This resource is intended to assist in the promotion and tracking of COVID-19 booster vaccines among nursing home residents.

COVID-19 Resident Booster Action Plan Template

High Reliability/HRO, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Huddle Quick Start Guide

This three-page resource explains what a huddle is, who participates, a sample agenda, keys for success and a daily visual management board example

Huddle Quick Start Guide

Emergency Preparedness

Sample Public Health Emergency Preparedness Plan

This customizable guide is intended to assist organizations in planning for a public health emergency.

Sample Public Health Emergency Preparedness Plan

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Compliance Monitoring, Analysis and Feedback Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Compliance Monitoring, Analysis and Feedback”

Slides: Compliance Monitoring, Analysis and Feedback

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Readmissions, Sepsis, Webinar

Partnership to Stop Sepsis Series

HQIN’s Partnership to Stop Sepsis sessions focus on reducing readmission and emergency department visits by concentrating on early recognition and prevention of sepsis. Our team of experts, which includes nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, infection preventionists, nurses and a pharmacist, will present best practices and facilitate sharing among nursing homes.

Slides: Partnership to Prevent Sepsis


The Readmission Interview

Download this file containing five questions to gather important information from patients and/or their caregivers regarding why they returned to the Emergency Department or were readmitted to the hospital.

Readmission Interview - Five Questions

COVID-19, Vaccination

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Flyer

This one-page flyer lists key considerations for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine as well as additional reference links.

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Flyer

COVID-19, Vaccination

What is Long COVID?

This one-page flyer explains what Long COVID is and key actions we can take to avoid it

What is Long COVID? Flyer

COVID-19, Vaccination

Vaccine Champion Social Media Package

This customizable package can help your facility boost vaccine confidence by encouraging staff, residents, family and visitors to create social media posts to share why they got the COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccine Champion Social Media Package

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Program Plan, Policies and Resources Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Program Plan, Policies and Resources”

Program Plan, Policies and Resources Slides

COVID-19, Patient and Resident Safety, Vaccination

Masking and Visitation Posters

These posters are intended for use in health care facilities to provide guidance on masking and visitation processes.

Please Help Keep Us Safe Vaccine Posters

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Webinar

Reduce Readmissions/ED Visits with Team Communication Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Reduce Readmissions/ED Visits with Team Communication”

Slides: Reduce Readmissions/ED Visits with Team Communication

Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Quality Improvement, Readmissions, Sepsis, Webinar

Sepsis Sprint Series: Connecting the Dots on Readmissions/ED Visits

This sepsis series deliver practical, feasible and effective sepsis prevention strategies designed to reduce unplanned hospital and emergency department visits.

Care Transitions, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions

Huddle Guide Toolkit

This toolkit contains everything you need to implement huddles in your nursing home.

Infection Prevention

Eye Wash Station Requirements

This resource is intended for use in physician practices and other healthcare facilities to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations related to eyewash stations.

Eye Wash Station Requirements

Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis, Webinar

Sepsis Risk Assessment and Person-Centered Care Planning Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Sepsis Risk Assessment and Person-Centered Care Planning”

Slides: Sepsis Risk Assessment and Person-Centered Care Planning

Emergency Preparedness, Infection Prevention, Webinar

Risk Assessment, Emergency Preparedness, Regulatory Compliance Slides

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Risk Assessment, Emergency Preparedness, Regulatory Compliance”

Risk Assessment, Emergency Preparedness, Regulatory Compliance Slides

Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis, Webinar

Early Recognition of Sepsis Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Early Recognition of Sepsis”

Slides: Early Recognition of Sepsis

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Don’t Get Tagged: Be Prepared for a Staff Vaccination Survey! Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Don’t Get Tagged: Be Prepared for a Staff Vaccination Survey!”

Don’t Get Tagged: Be Prepared for a Staff Vaccination Survey! Slides

Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis, Webinar

Meeting the Challenge of Sepsis in Long Term Care: Early Recognition Tools & Resources Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Meeting the Challenge of Sepsis in Long Term Care: Early Recognition Tools & Resources”

Slides: Meeting the Challenge of Sepsis in Long Term Care: Early Recognition Tools & Resources

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Infection Prevention Annual Risk Assessment Email Template

This letter template prepares targeted staff for an upcoming discussion on the facility’s Infection Prevention Risk Assessment.

Infection Prevention Annual Risk Assessment Email Template

Infection Prevention

Learn from Defects Tool – CAUTI

Download the “Learn from Defects Tool – CAUTI.”

Learn from Defects Tool - CAUTI

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Safe Visitation in Nursing Homes

Nursing home staff can share this resource with visitors and resident family members on safe visitation precautions to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection spread.

Safe Visitation in Nursing Homes

Quality Improvement

2021 and 2022 CMS Fee-For-Service (FFS) Final Rule Changes

Stay abreast of the many changes to the CMS Physician Fee Schedule for 2022. Download this brief summary about these important services that can impact patient clinical outcomes and provider reimbursement opportunities.

2021 and 2022 CMS Fee-For-Service (FFS) Final Rule Changes

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Back to the Future: Living Safely in the Time of COVID-19 Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Back to the Future: Living Safely in the Time of COVID-19”

Back to the Future: Living Safely in the Time of COVID-19 Slides

COVID-19, Vaccination

Bulletin Board Bundles

Each set of handouts can be customized, printed and displayed in common areas within the facility

Social Media Drivers for Vaccination

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Pandemic Prepared: Partnering with Pharmacists Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Pandemic Prepared: Partnering with Pharmacists”

Pandemic Prepared: Partnering with Pharmacists Slides


Educational Diabetes Resource List

These resources are intended to help people live with and manage their diabetes on a day-to-day basis.

Caring for Your Feet


Substance Use and Stigma in the Latino Communities

Download the slide set from the webinar.

SLIDES - Substance Use and Stigma in the Latino Communities

COVID-19, Patient and Family Engagement, Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccination Flyer

This one-page flyer explains who should get the COVID-19 vaccination and why

COVID-19 Vaccinations Flyer

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Including COVID-19 Vaccination Boosters in Your Discharge Planning Process Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Including COVID-19 Vaccination Boosters in Your Discharge Planning Process”

Including COVID-19 Vaccination Boosters in Your Discharge Planning Process Slides

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Highlighting Best Practices: St. Louis Roundtable Platform Optimizes Coordination Across Care Settings Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Highlighting Best Practices: St. Louis Roundtable Platform Optimizes Coordination Across Care Settings”

Highlighting Best Practices: St. Louis Roundtable Platform Optimizes Coordination Across Care Settings Slides

Cardiac Health

Five Steps to Safer Health Care

This resource is a list intended to help patients receive safer health care.

Five Steps to Safer Health Care

Diabetes, Quality Improvement

Pre-Diabetes Learning Module Series

This series of brief learning modules addresses best practices and practical solutions for providers and health systems to prevent diabetes and decrease progression of this disease.

Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Sepsis Learning Module Series

This series of brief learning modules for frontline nursing home staff explain what causes sepsis, who is at risk and the signs and symptoms.

COVID-19, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

Rebuilding Trust: Partnering for Improved Outcomes Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Rebuilding Trust: Partnering for Improved Outcomes”

Rebuilding Trust: Partnering for Improved Outcomes Slides

Infection Prevention

Learn from Defects Tool Worksheet – CLABSI

Download the Learn from Defects Tool Worksheet – CLABSI.

Learn from Defects Tool Worksheet - CLABSI

Cardiac Health

Control Your Cholesterol

These resources are intended to help patients understand what cholesterol is and track cholesterol and triglyceride numbers.

Control Your Cholesterol: What is High Cholesterol?


Important to Watch Your Glucose

This resource is intended to help people living with diabetes understand the importance of monitoring their blood sugar levels.


COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Best Practices Strategizing for Success: Lessons Learned from the Frontline Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Best Practices Strategizing for Success: Lessons Learned from the Frontline”

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Best Practices Strategizing for Success: Lessons Learned from the Frontline Slides

Care Transitions, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions

Ideas that Work Series

Download Ideas that Work for strategies your team can use to improve care coordination for patients, reduce hospital readmissions and connect patients to community resources.

Cardiac Health, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

Chronic Kidney Disease Resources

This one-page flyer lists links to Chronic Kidney Disease resources for providers and patients.

Chronic Kidney Disease Resource List

Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

SBAR Communication for Possible Sepsis

This resource is for nursing home staff to document and report a change in condition due to possible sepsis.

SBAR Communication for Possible Sepsis

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Frontline Staff: Supporting Vital Caregiver Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Frontline Staff: Supporting Vital Caregivers”

COVID-19, Vaccination, Webinar

Hitting the Mark: Correct I.M. Administration Slides and Recording

Access the slides and recording for the webinar “Hitting the Mark: Correct I.M. Administration”

Hitting the Mark: Correct I.M. Administration Slides

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Patient and Family Engagement

Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Education Resources

These resources provide patients with information on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and guidance on how to manage their diabetes and blood pressure to prevent CKD.

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Clostridioides difficile Event Analysis – Hospital Quality and Patient Safety

Download the Clostridioides difficile Event Analysis tool.

Clostridioides difficile Event Analysis Tool

Antibiotic Stewardship, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Antimicrobial Management Program – Gap Analysis Checklist

Download the Antimicrobial Management Program Gap Analysis Checklist.

Antimicrobial Management Program - Gap Analysis Checklist

Health Equity, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies to Address and Resolve Gaps in Care

This resource explains the importance of implementing interventions to resolve differences in patient outcomes.

Simple Strategies to Address and Resolve Gaps in Care

Adverse Drug Events, C. diff, Health Equity, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Readmissions

Join the Health Quality Innovation Network for Safer Hospital Care

HQIC Fact Sheet_10.22.20_508

Behavioral Health/Mental Health

The Ripple Effect of Focusing on Staff Emotional Well-being

Download the slide deck for the webinar, “The Ripple Effect of Focusing on Staff Emotional Well-being.”

12.14.2021 FINAL HQIN_PPT - 508


Simple Strategies for Communicating Findings

Download Simple Strategies for Communicating Findings.

Simple Strategies for Communicating Findings

Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Readmissions, Vaccination

Quality Measure Tip Sheets

The following Quality Measure Tip Sheets are designed to improve quality measure performance through accurate Minimum Data Set (MDS) coding and probing questions to identify areas of opportunity.

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Webinar

MedsMatter! Conversation Series – Fixing the Polypharmacy Problem

Download the slides for HQIN’s MedsMatter! Conversation Series – Fixing the Polypharmacy Problem

Slides: MedsMatter! Conversation Series - Fixing the Polypharmacy Problem

Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement Partnership

Residents and family members are valuable members of the health care team who offer a unique perspective on the care provided. By engaging residents and family members as partners, a care setting is able to leverage the skills and knowledge of all team members. This PowerPoint Presentation contains a speaker script and can be customized to meet your facility’s needs to educate and engage your residents and family in QAPI.

Powerpoint: The Quality Improvement Partnership

Adverse Drug Events, Antipsychotic Medications, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Psychotropic Adverse Drug Events Tip Sheet

This resource is intended to help frontline nursing and Certified Medication Technician (CMT) staff recognize factors that increase psychotropic ADE risk and signs and symptoms that may indicate an ADE may have occurred.

Psychotropic Adverse Drug Event Tip Sheet

Adverse Drug Events, Antipsychotic Medications, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Psychotropic Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

This resource will aid long term care facilities in evaluating their systems and processes to identify areas for improvement in preventing psychotropic adverse drug events.

Psychotropic Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Antibiotic Tip Sheet for Frontline Nursing and CMT Staff

This resource is intended to help frontline nursing and Certified Medication Technician (CMT) staff recognize factors that increase antibiotic ADE risk and signs and symptoms that may indicate an ADE may have occurred.

Antibiotic Tip Sheet for Frontline Nursing and CMT Staff

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Antibiotic Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

This resource will aid long term care facilities in evaluating their systems and processes to identify areas for improvement in preventing antibiotic adverse drug events.

Antibiotic Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Antidiabetic Tip Sheet for Frontline Nursing and CMT Staff

This resource is intended to help frontline nursing and Certified Medication Technician (CMT) staff recognize factors that increase antidiabetic ADE risk and signs and symptoms that may indicate an ADE may have occurred.

Antidiabetic Adverse Drug Event Tip Sheet

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Peer Poster – Virginia

This poster highlights frontline staff throughout Virginia who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine as well as why they chose to get vaccinated.

COVID-19 Peer Poster – Virginia

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Antidiabetic Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

This resource will aid long term care facilities in evaluating their systems and processes to identify areas for improvement in preventing antidiabetic adverse drug events.

Antidiabetic Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Anticoagulant Antithrombotic Tip Sheet

This resource is intended to help frontline nursing and Certified Medication Technician (CMT) staff recognize factors that increase anticoagulant ADE risk and signs and symptoms that may indicate an ADE may have occurred.

Anticoagulant Antithrombotic Tip Sheet

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Anticoagulant Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

This resource will aid long term care facilities in evaluating their systems and processes to identify areas for improvement in preventing anticoagulant adverse drug events.

Anticoagulant Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

Antipsychotic Medications, Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Medication Safety, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Improving Dementia Care & Reducing Unnecessary Use of Antipsychotics

Download the Process Assessment Crosswalk and the accompanying Process Assessment tool to help reduce the use of unnecessary antipsychotics for people with dementia while improving quality of life and care.

Improving Dementia Care & Reducing Unnecessary Use of Antipsychotics: Process Assessment Crosswalk

Adverse Drug Events, Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Pain Control Without Medication

Download this brochure for a variety of options to promote comfort and provide pain control without the use of medications.

Pain Control Without Medication


OARS + Model for Motivational Interviewing

Download the “OARS + Model for Motivational Interviewing” resource.

OARS + Model for Motivational Interviewing

Behavioral Health/Mental Health

Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

A compilation of national and state specific resources and links to support staff mental health and wellbeing.

Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies for Pain Management

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff assess, treat and monitor residents for pain.

Simple Strategies for Pain Management

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Opioid Tip Sheet for Frontline Nursing and CMT Staff

This resource is intended to help frontline nursing and certified medication technician (CMT) staff recognize factors that increase opioid ADE risk and signs and symptoms that may indicate an ADE may have occurred.

Opioid Tip Sheet for Frontline Nursing and CMT Staff

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Opioid Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

This resource will aid long term care facilities in evaluating their sytems and processes to identify areas for improvement in preventing Opioid Adverse Drug Events.

Opioid Adverse Drug Events Self-Assessment

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Organizational Commitment to Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment Self-Assessment

Organizational Commitment to Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment Self-Assessment

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury Best Practices

Pressure Injury Best Practices

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccine Letter to Team Members and Tips for Using the Letter to Promote Vaccination

Download the COVID-19 Vaccine Letter to Team Members and Tips for Using the Letter to Promote Vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccine Letter to Team Members - Tips for Using the Letter to Promote Vaccination

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Pause for Prevention Program

This resource is a turnkey program to assist nursing homes in ensuring all staff have a basic understanding of infection prevention practices.

Pause for Prevention Overview

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Peer Poster – Missouri

This poster highlights staff from Garden View Care Center who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.

Garden View Care Center Poster

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures

Pressure Ulcer/Injury Critical Element Pathway

Download this resource, which is a pathway for a resident having, or at risk of developing, a pressure ulcer (PU) or pressure injury (PI) to determine if facility practices are in place to identify, evaluate, and intervene to prevent and/or heal pressure ulcers. This resource is provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

C. diff, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Do One Thing Differently: Lower Clostridiodes difficile Infection (CDI) Risk with Appropriate Antibiotic Prescribing

Download Done One Thing Differently: Lower Clostridiodes difficile Infection (CDI) Risk with Appropriate Antibiotic Prescribing

Do One Thing Differently: Lower Clostridiodes difficile Infection (CDI) Risk with Appropriate Antibiotic Prescribing

Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies for Fall Management

Download Simple Strategies Falls Prevention in Hospitals

Simple Strategies Falls Prevention in Hospitals

Patient and Resident Safety

The 4 Pʼs of Reducing the Risk of Falls

Download The 4 Pʼs of Reducing the Risk of Falls

The 4 Pʼs of Reducing the Risk of Falls

C. diff

Do One Thing Differently: Do You Know When to Test for C. diff ?

Download Do One Thing Differently: Do You Know When to Test for C. diff ?

Do One Thing Differently: Do You Know When to Test for C. diff?

Patient and Resident Safety

Use Personal Protective Equipment Properly

Download Do One Thing Differently: Use Personal Protective Equipment

Use Personal Protective Equipment Properly

Adverse Drug Events, Antipsychotic Medications, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies for Fall Management – Medication Management

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff prevent resident falls through medication management.

Simple Strategies for Fall Management - Medication Management

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids

Opioid Resources for Patients and Caregivers

This flyer features a summary of educational opioid resources.

Opioid Resources for Patients and Caregivers

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids

Opioid Resources for Clinicians

This summary of resources was created to support safe opioid prescribing and education.

Opioid Resources for Clinicians

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Testing/Screening, Cohorting Residents Action Plan Template

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff create an action plan to test, screen and cohort residents.

Testing and Cohorting Action Plan Template

Advance Care Planning, Quality Improvement

Slides: MedsMatter! Conversation Series: A Focus on Annual Wellness Visits

MedsMatter! Conversation Series: A Focus on Annual Wellness Visits

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Peer Poster – Missouri

This poster highlights frontline staff throughout Missouri who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine as well as why they chose to get vaccinated.

COVID-19 Peer Poster – Missouri

Adverse Drug Events, Opioids

Pathways to Safer Opioid Use

This interactive training promotes the appropriate, safe and effective use of opioids to manage chronic pain.

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Community Health Workers Toolkit

This toolkit offers resources to help community health workers build vaccine confidence and promote preventive measures.

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Pharmacists Toolkit

This toolkit offers resources to help pharmacists build vaccine confidence and promote preventive measures.

C. diff, Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Do One Thing Differently – Know WHEN to Practice Hand Hygiene

Download the Do One Thing Differently – Know WHEN to Practice Hand Hygiene fact sheet.

Do One Thing Differently - Know WHEN to Practice Hand Hygiene

Chronic Care Management, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Diabetes

Review of Best Practices: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Screening for Individuals with Diabetes

This resource provides best practices in chronic disease management and prevention.

Review of Best Practices: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Screening for Individuals with Diabetes

C. diff, Infection Prevention

Do One Thing Differently – Every Patient, Every Time

Download the Do One Thing Differently – Every Patient, Every Time fact sheet.

Do One Thing Differently - Every Patient, Every Time

Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement, Webinar

“What to do? What to do? PI Treatment Strategies” Slides

Access slides for the webinar “What to do? What to do? PI Treatment Strategies”

Session 3 Slides: What to do? What to do? PI Treatment Strategies

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

ACT FAST! Early Detection of Sepsis Requires Fast Action

This screening tool from the Minnesota Hospital Association supports the early detection of sepsis in patients.

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury Risk Assessment-Self Assessment

This resource will aid long term care facilities in evaluating their processes/practices of assessing and addressing pressure injury risk in their resident population.

Pressure Injury Risk Assessment-Self Assessment

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Prevention of Pressure Injuries Self-Assessment

This resource provides guidance to facilities as they evaluate their current practices and identify areas for improvement in their pressure injury prevention program.

Prevention of Pressure Injuries Self-Assessment

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury Treatment Self Assessment

This resource provides facilities with a self assessment guide on their current pressure injury treatment protocols and processes to identify areas for improvement in overall quality and care.

Pressure Injury Treatment Self Assessment

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury Treatment Best Practices

This resource provides facilities with a list of best practices to utilize to ensure they have a robust pressure injury treatment program.

Pressure Injury Treatment Best Practices

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Slides: MedsMatter! Mind Your Meds: Help Keep Seniors Safe

Slide set for MedsMatter! Mind Your Meds: Help Keep Seniors Safe.

Slides: MedsMatter! Mind Your Meds: Help Keep Seniors Safe.

Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Skin Care Fair

Pressure Injury (PI) interactive education designed to support frontline staff in understanding PI prevention practices. Skin Care Fair is a turnkey program that includes hands-on activities and discussion.

Skin Care Fair

Pressure Injury

Pressure Injury Staging Guide

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff identify pressure injuries in all of their stages.

Pressure Injury Staging Guide

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Self Assessment: Organizational Commitment to Pressure Injury (PI) Prevention and Treatment

This resource contains best practices for an organizational commitment to pressure injury prevention and treatment.

Self Assessment: Organizational Commitment to Pressure Injury (PI) Prevention and Treatment


How To Join the HQIN Nursing Home Reporting NHSN Group

Instructions for how to join the HQIN Nursing Home Reporting NHSN group.


Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Clinical Fact Sheet: Quick Assessment of Leg Ulcers

This resource provides a quick reference on leg ulcers (not PI related) including medical history, location, appearance, perfusion, and treatment recommendations.

Clinical Fact Sheet: Quick Assessment of Leg Ulcers

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Wound Measurement and Documentation Guide

This resource provides information and images to assist clinicians in properly measuring and documenting wounds.

Wound Measurement and Documentation Guide

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury At-Risk Assessment – Best Practices

This document provides guidance to nursing homes on pressure injury risk assessments, interventions and practices to follow to ensure best practices are in place.

Pressure Injury (PI) At-Risk Assessment Care Planning - Best Practices

Patient and Family Engagement, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury Care Planning Best Practice Guide

This resource contains best practices for improving the care plan process related to pressure injuries.

Pressure Injury Care Plan Best Practice Guide

Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies for Wound Identification and First Step in Proper Treatment

Download HQIN’s Simple Strategies for Wound Identification and First Step in Proper Treatment.

Simple Strategies for Wound Identification

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies for Pressure Injury Care Planning

Download HQIN’s Simple Strategies for Pressure Injury Care Planning.

Simple Strategies for Pressure Injury Care Planning

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Guide

This guide was designed to help nursing home leaders build COVID-19 vaccine confidence among certified nursing assistants (CNAs) and overcome barriers to vaccination.

COVID-19, Vaccination

COVID 19 Community Pharmacy Toolkit

This toolkit includes concise evidence-based COVID-19 summary information and current guidelines for healthcare professionals.

Adverse Drug Events, Antipsychotic Medications, C. diff, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

All Cause Harm Change Package

The Change Package is a description and list of successful practices of high-performing nursing homes (i.e., how they prevent harm while honoring each resident’s rights and preferences), organized by overarching themes, and includes strategies to prevent specific adverse events and abuse.

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement

Pressure Injury Evidence-Based Practice Checklist

Access HQIN’s Pressure Injury Evidence-Based Practice Checklist.

Evidence-Based Practice Checklist

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Skilled Nursing Facility Sepsis Algorithm for Adults

This one-page reference tool helps clinical nursing home staff identify the signs and symptoms of sepsis.

Skilled Nursing Facility Sepsis Algorithm


Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Frequently Asked Questions, Scenarios & Important Links

This three-page flyer lists common scenarios nursing home staff may encounter when accessing the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). It provides solutions and links to additional resources.

LTCF NHSN FAQs and Links

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Seeing Sepsis Wallet Cards

The Seeing Sepsis wallet cards help in the early identification of sepsis in long-term care residents.

"Seeing Sepsis" Wallet Cards

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

INTERACT Guidance on Management of Possible Sepsis

This tool provides guidance on the identification and management of possible sepsis and includes a Flow Diagram illustrating an overview of Management of
Possible Sepsis in the long-term care setting.

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement, Webinar

Pressure Injury Sprint Series

Learn how to apply quality improvement principles to nursing home pressure injury programs. Subject matter experts and quality improvement advisors offer guidance, resources, and tools to identify and develop action plans to address gaps, reduce root causes of pressure injuries, and drive improvement.

Session 1 Slides: The Pre-admission and Admission Process

Chronic Care Management, Diabetes, Quality Measures

Measure Tip Sheet: Diabetes A1c Poor Control > 9%

This five-page resource offers tips to improve Quality Payment Program reporting of measure QPP 001.

Measure Tip Sheet: Diabetes A1c Poor Control > 9%

Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

A Guide to Understanding Sepsis

This guide is intended for family members, non-medical staff and the community at large to learn more about sepsis and how to prevent infections.

A Guide to Understanding Sepsis

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

ACT FAST! Early Detection of Sepsis Requires Fast Action

This sepsis screening tool from the Minnesota Hospital Association is tailored to long-term care settings.

Sepsis Early Detection Tool

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Sepsis Risk Assessment Evaluation Tool

This tool can be used to evaluate nursing home admission assessment to ensure the critical elements that indicate a potential risk for infection/sepsis are captured.

Sepsis Risk Assessment Evaluation Tool

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Nursing Home Sepsis Gap Analysis

This tool is intended for nursing home staff to assess their current level of sepsis care and help identify any gaps in care.

Nursing Home Sepsis Gap Analysis

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Hospital Sepsis Gap Analysis

This tool is intended for hospital staff to assess their current level of sepsis care and help identify any gaps in care.

Hospital Sepsis Gap Analysis

Quality Improvement

QAPI Fishbone Diagram

Download this resource to create your fishbone diagram.

QAPI Fishbone Diagram

Medication Safety, Opioids

MedsMatter! Conversation Series: May 20, 2021 Slides

Access the slides for the May 20, 2021 edition of the MedsMatter! Conversation Series: Front Line Perspectives About the Blue Bag Initiative

MedsMatter 5-20-21 Slides

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Understanding Audit Practices

These resources equip skilled nursing facilities with an understanding of infection prevention auditing practices that can be implemented to support increased rates of compliance with hand hygiene.
Competency Check vs. Observational Check

Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Do One Thing Differently – Lower CDI Risk

Download the resource, Do One Thing Differently – Lower CDI Risk.

Do One Thing Differently - Lower CDI Risk

C. diff, Patient and Resident Safety

Do One Thing Differently – Personal Protective Equipment Use

Download the resource, Do One Thing Differently – Personal Protective Equipment Use.

Do One Thing Differently - Personal Protective Equipment Use

Antibiotic Stewardship, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety

Do One Thing Differently – Antibiotic Stewardship

Download the resource, Do One Thing Differently – Antibiotic Stewardship.

Do One Thing Differently - Antibiotic Stewardship

Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Do One Thing Differently – When to Test for C. diff

Download the resource, Do One Thing Differently – When to Test for C. diff.

DOTD - When to test for C. diff

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Do One Thing Differently – Every Person, Every Time: Standard Precautions

Download the Do One Thing Differently – Every Person, Every Time fact sheet.

Do One Thing Different - Every Person, Every Time: Standard Precautions

Infection Prevention

Hospital Version – Remind Everyone to Wash Their Hands

Poster to remind everyone to wash their hands.

NRSH-handwashing_poster_03112020 (1)_508

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement

Hospital Version – Simple Strategies – When to Practice Hand Hygiene

On average, health care providers perform hand hygiene less than half of the times they should. Read about when you should practice hand hygiene.

Simple Strategies - When to Practice Hand Hygiene

Infection Prevention, Sepsis

Sepsis Resources for Hospitals

Compilation of helpful resources and links to support the early detection and treatment of sepsis.

Sepsis Hospital Resource List

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures

Pressure Free Zone

This resource is intended to be the turnkey toolkit to help nursing homes with ongoing prevention and elimination of facility-acquired pressure injuries. This resource is available as one workbook or as individual modules.

Pressure Free Zone

Quality Improvement

Recording and Slides for “You Gave Them. What Happened with MDS Coding?”

Click the link to download the slides from the Office Hours event, “You Gave Them. What Happened with MDS Coding?”

Slides: You Gave Them. What Happened with MDS Coding?

Cardiac Health, Chronic Care Management, Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

Moving for a Healthy Heart

This resource is intended to provide patients with exercise recommendations and an activity log to help stay on track with physical activity goals. It is available in English and Spanish.

Moving for a Healthy Heart

Cardiac Health, Chronic Care Management, Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

How to Read a Nutrition Facts Label

This resource is intended to help patients understand how to interpret food nutrition labels.

How to Read a Nutrition Facts Label

Cardiac Health, Chronic Care Management, Diabetes, Patient and Family Engagement

Eating Your Way to a Healthy Heart with DASH

This resource is intended to help patients establish healthy eating goals using the DASH plan. It is available in English and Spanish.

Eating Your Way to a Healthy Heart with DASH

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Readmissions

Emergency Department Visit Toolkit for Long-term Care Facilities

This toolkit provides your team with actionable steps to decrease the number of hospital transfers of short stay residents.

ED Visits Toolkit 2021.3.24_508

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Readmissions

UTI Toolkit for Long-Term Care Facilities

This PDF contains strategies for improving urinary tract infections for long-term care facilities.

UTI Toolkit for Long-Term Care

Quality Improvement

SMART Goal-Setting Worksheet to Measure Performance Improvement

This worksheet is intended to help teams establish appropriate goals for individual measures and also for performance improvement projects.

SMART Goal Worksheet 508

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Vaccination

Pneumococcal Quality Measure Algorithm

This algorithm is intended to help nursing home staff understand why a resident will or will not trigger for the Pneumococcal Vaccine Quality Measure.

Pneumococcal Vaccine Quality Measure Algorithm

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Vaccination

Influenza Vaccine Quality Measure Algorithm

This algorithm is intended to help nursing home staff understand why a resident will or will not trigger for the Influenza Vaccine Quality Measure.

Influenza Vaccine Quality Measure Algorithm

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Vaccination

MDS Pneumococcal Vaccine Coding Algorithm

This algorithm is intended to help MDS staff code pneumococcal vaccinations accurately.

MDS Pneumococcal Vaccine Coding Algorithm

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Vaccination

MDS Influenza Vaccine Coding Algorithm

This algorithm is intended to help MDS staff code influenza vaccinations accurately.

MDS Influenza Vaccine Coding Algorithm

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Quality Measures, Vaccination

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine MDS Coding Tip Sheet

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff with their seasonal influenza MDS coding.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (Long Stay) MDS Coding Tip Sheet

Antipsychotic Medications, Patient and Family Engagement, Quality Improvement

About Me

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff with assessing residents and planning individual care.

'About Me' Form

Infection Prevention, Vaccination

Simple Strategies for Encouraging Staff to Receive the Influenza Vaccine

Information sheet containing Simple Strategies for Encouraging Staff to Receive the Influenza Vaccine

Simple Strategies - Staff Influenza Vaccine_508

Infection Prevention, Vaccination

Simple Strategies for Resident Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccines

Information sheet containing Simple Strategies for Resident Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccines

Simple Strategies for Resident Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccines

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Vaccination

Simple Strategies for Encouraging Residents to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

Information sheet containing simple strategies for encouraging residents to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Simple Strategies for Encouraging Residents COVID Vaccine

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Vaccination

Simple Strategies for Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Information sheet with Simple Strategies for Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Simple Strategies for Side Effects COVID-19 Vaccine

Quality Improvement, Quality Measures

5 Star System Unfrozen Presentation

Slides: 5 Star System Unfrozen

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Vaccination

Simple Strategies for Encouraging Staff to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

Information sheet containing simple strategies for encouraging staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Simple Strategies for Encouraging Staff to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

Behavioral Health/Mental Health

Simple Strategies – Staff Mental Health

Simple Strategies for Health Care Workers to Manage Stress

Simple Strategies - Staff Mental Health_508

Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Patient and Family Engagement

Simple Strategies – Resident Mental Health

Simple Strategies to Help Residents Manage Loneliness and Stress

Simple Strategies to Help Residents Manage Loneliness and Stress

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Vaccination

South Carolina COVID-19 Vaccination Toolkit For Residents and Staff

Resources and links to promote COVID-19 vaccinations for residents and staff.

COVID-19 Vaccination Toolkit_508

Medication Safety, Opioids

MedsMatter! Horizontal Flyer VA

This resource is intended to help physicians and pharmacists explain the importance of safe medication practices with patients.

MedsMatter Flyer VA Horizontal

Medication Safety, Opioids

MedsMatter! Vertical Flyer VA

This resource is intended to help physicians and pharmacists explain the importance of safe medication practices with patients.

MedsMatter Flyer VA Vertical

Medication Safety, Opioids

MedsMatter! Vertical Flyer HQIN

This resource is intended to help physicians and pharmacists explain the importance of safe medication practices with patients.

MedsMatter Flyer HQIN Vertical

Medication Safety, Opioids

MedsMatter! Horizontal Flyer HQIN

This resource is intended to help physicians and pharmacists explain the importance of safe medication practices with patients.

MedsMatter Flyer HQIN Horizontal Flyer

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies – QAPI Element 5: Systematic Analysis and Systemic Action

Take action aimed at performance improvement. After implementing actions, measure success and track performance to ensure improvements are sustained.

Simple Strategies - Systematic Analysis and Systemic Action

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies – QAPI Element 4: Performance Improvement Projects (PIPs)

The work of the PIP is to develop system changes specifically targeting identified problems and then to test those changes to determine whether the goals of the project are met.

Simple Strategies - Performance Improvement Projects

COVID-19, Infection Prevention

Targeted COVID-19 Training for Frontline Nursing Home Staff and Management Flyer

Informational sheet with directions for COVID-19 training for frontline nursing home staff and management.

CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training Instructions

Quality Improvement

Pain Zone Tool

Take your patients’ pain education to the next level with an easy, one-page Pain Zone Tool. This stoplight tool is similar to others following green, yellow and red color assessment zones. Providing this during a discussion about new or existing pain medications can help patients to become more active in their care and communication with their health care team.

Pain Zone Tool

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies – QAPI Element 1: Design and Scope

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff use the data-driven, systems approach of QAPI to record incidents identified by the IPCP.

Simple Strategies for IPCP and QAPI Alignment- Design and Scope

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies – QAPI Element 2: Governance and Leadership

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff use the data-driven, systems approach of QAPI to record incidents identified by the IPCP.

Simple Strategies for IPCP and QAPI Alignment- Governance and Leadership

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Simple Strategies – QAPI Element 3: Feedback, Data Systems, and Monitoring

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff use the data-driven, systems approach of QAPI to record incidents identified by the IPCP.

Simple Strategies for IPCP and QAPI Alignment - Feedback, Data Systems, and Monitoring

Quality Measure Tip Sheet – Falls with Major Injury

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff assess patient fall risk and prevention.

Falls with Major Injury Quality Measure Sheet

Health Equity

Simple Strategies to Shape Organizational Infrastructure and Culture

This resource explains how embracing cultural competency interventions is an important step toward reducing health care disparities.

Simple Strategies to Shape Organizational Infrastructure and Culture

Antipsychotic Medications, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Infection Preventionist Orientation Checklist

Infection Preventionist Orientation Checklist 508

Adverse Drug Events, Diabetes, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Mind Your Meds – Medication Safety

This resource is intended to help patients and caregivers use medications safely.

Behavioral Health/Mental Health, COVID-19, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Coping with Grief and Loss During COVID-19 – Slides and Webinar Recording

This second session in the Health Quality Innovation Network’s (HQIN) three-part series, “Addressing Residents’ Mental Health During COVID-19,” addresses the impact and experience of grief during COVID-19, including the loss of loved ones, the loss of the life we knew and the uncertain future. Deer Oaks shares ways to manage our experience of grief, identify how this experience manifests in different ways with different people and identifies personal and collective strategies to facilitate healing for your peers, your residents and your community.

SLIDES: Coping with Grief and Loss During COVID-19

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Mind Your Meds – Safe Opioid Use and Disposal

This resource is intended to help caregivers and older adults increase their confidence about managing their medications and disposing those that are no longer used or that are expired.

Antipsychotic Medications, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies for Antipsychotic Reduction

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff evaluate the needs of residents with dementia and their use of antipsychotics.

Simple Strategies for Antipsychotic Reduction

Adverse Drug Events, Antipsychotic Medications, Medication Safety, Opioids, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Video: Introduction to the Blue Bag Initiative

This video introduces the Health Quality Innovation Network’s Blue Bag Initiative. The program is intended to support pharmacists’ and other health care providers’ efforts to improve patient safety and engagement while also decreasing adverse drug events.

Behavioral Health/Mental Health, COVID-19, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Reducing the Impact of Social Isolation and Loneliness – Slides and Recording

This first session in the Health Quality Innovation Network’s (HQIN) series, “Supporting Residents’ Mental Health During COVID-19,” provides education about the prevalence and impact of social isolation and loneliness. Deer Oaks, a long-term care psychology and psychiatry service, shares comorbidities for loneliness, loneliness assessment measures and resident-centered strategies for reducing social isolation and loneliness.

SLIDES: Strategies For Reducing Impacts of Social Isolation and Loneliness in Nursing Homes

Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

UTI MDS Coding Guidelines

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff properly use MDS Coding for Urinary Tract Infections.

UTI MDS Coding Guidelines

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies for Skin Inspections

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff identify suspicious skin problems to prevent pressure injuries.

Simple Strategies for Skin Inspections

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies for Preventing Pressure Injuries

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand high-risk pressure points to prevent pressure injuries.

Simple Strategies for Preventing Pressure Injuries


Prediabetes and Diabetes Referral Flow Chart and Resources

This resource is intended to help health care providers screen patients for prediabetes and diabetes. It also highlights available programs for diabetes self-management and education.

Prediabetes and Diabetes Referral Flow Chart and Resources

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

MDS Coding Tips – Incontinence

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand MDS Coding for incontinence using a flow chart to guide decision making.

MDS Coding Tips Incontinence

Quality Improvement

QAPI: Everyone Has a Role and a Responsibility

This resource serves as a guide to demonstrate utilization of your data to work through a successful and sustainable QAPI plan.

Slides: QAPI - Everyone Has a Role and a Responsibility

Quality Improvement

Why Employees Don’t Do What They’re Supposed to Do

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand what motivates a working to do their best.

Why Employees Don't Do What They're Supposed To Do 508

Quality Improvement

QAPI Sustainability Decision Guide

This is a resource to help nursing home leaders or teams determine if the interventions and changes they are making are sustainable.

QAPI Sustainability Decision Guide 508

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies for Protecting the Skin

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand how to protect residents’ skin and prevent pressure injuries.

Simple Strategies for Preventing Pressure Injuries

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies for Healthy Skin

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand the impact of nutrition on the skin and the increased risk of pressure injury development.

Simple Strategies for Healthy Skin

Adverse Drug Events, Medication Safety, Opioids

Blue Bag Initiative Q&A

This resource is intended to help pharmacists, clinicians and other health care providers better understand the Health Quality Innovation Network’s Blue Bag Initiative, a flexible medication review program that helps identify potential adverse drug events.

Turning the Brown Bag Blue: Q&A with HQINʼs Pharmacist Cindy Warriner

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions

The Huddle Guide : Meeting Role Play

This resource is intended to introduce nursing home staff to Huddle meetings using role play.

The Huddle Meeting Role Play

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Improvement, Readmissions

The Huddle Guide : Predictors of Risk & Risk Factors

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand the risk and risk factors associated with negative resident outcomes.

Huddle Predictors of Risk & Risk Factor Guide

Patient and Resident Safety, Readmissions

Simple Strategies – Stop and Watch

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff identify changes in a resident’s condition.


Patient and Resident Safety, Readmissions

Simple Strategies – Changes in Condition

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff assess changes in a resident’s condition.

Simple Strategies for Changes in Condition

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement, Vaccination

Resident Influenza, Pneumococcal, TB Vaccination Log

The following resource is intended to help nursing home staff track that residents have been appropriately assessed and received influenza, pneumococcal, and TB vaccinations.

HQIN Vaccination Tracking Tool

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

AHRQ Long-Term Care Indwelling Catheter (IUC) Maintenance Checklist

This resource from the Association of Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Safety Program for Long-Term Care: HAIs/CAUTI is intended to help nursing homes ensure residents are protected from infections caused by indwelling urinary catheters.

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Competency Validation

This resource from the Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology (SPICE) is intended to help nursing homes assess staff understanding of donning and doffing personal protective equipment.


Diabetes Self-Management Instructions

This resource is intended to help patients with diabetes manage their daily health.

Diabetes Self-Management Instructions


Foot Care for Patients with Diabetes

This resource is intended to help patients with diabetes keep their feet healthy.

Foot Care for Patients With Diabetes

Quality Improvement

Nursing Home Office Hours: HQIN Action Plans

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff walk through the HQIN Infection Control Action Plan Templates.

Slide Set

Quality Improvement

Plan-Do-Study-Act Worksheet

This resource is intended to help run small tests of change to reach an efficient process and achieve the desired results.

PDSA Worksheet

Quality Improvement

SMART Goal Setting Worksheet

This resource is intended to help teams establish goals for individual measures and also for performance improvement projects.

SMART Goal-Setting Worksheet

Quality Improvement

Nursing Home Office Hours: Guidance for Performing Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Presentation – July 14, 2020

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff perform root cause analysis.

Nursing Home Office Hours: Guidance for Performing Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Presentation

Quality Improvement

Five Whys Worksheet

This resource is intended to help nursing homes ask why to get to the root cause of a problem.

Five Whys Worksheet

Antipsychotic Medications, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies: Engagement and Sleep Hygiene

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff prevent resident falls through engagement and good sleep hygiene.

Simple Strategies - Engagement and Sleep Hygiene

Medication Safety

Tips for Using Medicines Safely

This resource offers four tips to help patients, families and caregivers use medications safely.

Tips for Using Medicines Safely

Medication Safety, Patient and Family Engagement

Medication Log

This resource is intended to help older adults keep track of the medications they are taking, the dose, time of day, reason for taking and the doctor who prescribed the medication.

Medication Log

Advance Care Planning

Toolkit for Health Care Advance Planning

The American Bar Association’s Toolkit for Health Care Advance Planning offers nine tools to help with all aspects of advance care planning.

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies: Falls Prevention

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff prevent resident falls.

Simple Strategies: Falls Prevention

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Simple Strategies: Environmental Safety and Fall Prevention

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff prevent resident falls by reducing environmental hazards.

Simple Strategies: Environmental Safety and Fall Prevention

Medication Safety, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Be Prepared for Medical Appointments: Build Your Question List

This resource is intended to help patients and caregivers know what questions to ask their doctor about prescription medications, medical tests, new diagnoses, treatment for an illness or condition, recommended surgery, and questions to ask when choosing a health plan, health care provider or long-term care.

Be Prepared for Medical Appointments - Build Your Question List

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Simple Strategies – Antibiotic Stewardship to Prevent Adverse Drug Events

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff capture risk factors during the nurse-to-nurse assessment to prevent adverse drug events.

Simple Strategies – Antibiotic Stewardship to Prevent Adverse Drug Events

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Simple Strategies – Antibiograms for Reducing Exposure to Antibiotics

This resource is intended to help nursing home staff understand antibiograms and how to use one to reduce unnecessary exposure to antibiotics.

Use Antibiograms to Reduce Unnecessary Exposure to Antibiotics

Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Four P’s to Purposeful Rounding

These tools are intended to help nursing homes reduce the number of falls in their facility, particularly among new admissions and residents at high risk for falls.

The 4 P's of Reducing the Risk of Falls - Flyer

Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Measures

It’s Time to Take the Pressure Off

This brochure is a pressure injury prevention and treatment guide for nursing home residents, families and staff.


Patient and Resident Safety, Pressure Injury, Quality Measures

Pressure Points Pocket Card

This resource illustrates pressure points and proper positioning and offers tips for reducing nursing home residents’ risk of pressure injuries.


COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies – Know When to Practice Hand Hygiene

This resource explains when to practice hand hygiene.

Simple Strategies - When to Practice Hand Hygiene

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Long-Term Care Antibiotic Stewardship Resources

This guide offers antibiotic stewardship resources for nursing homes.

Long-Term Care Antibiotic Stewardship Resources

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies – Every Resident Every Time

This resource explains Standard Transmission Precautions and the importance of using these precautions with every resident, every time.

Every Resident, Every Time: Standard Precautions

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies – Personal Protective Equipment

This resource describes how to properly use personal protective equipment.

Simple Strategies to Prevent Infections

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies – Environmental Cleaning and Infection Prevention

This resource helps nursing homes assess their current environmental cleaning practices.

Simple Strategies: Environmental Cleaning & Infection Prevention

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies – Use Friction

This resource explains how to use friction for proper hand hygiene.

Simple Strategies – Use Friction

Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning Resources

Variety of resources to help with all aspects of advance care planning.

Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Quality Measures

Nursing Home Suspected UTI Action Tool

This tool is intended to guide nursing home staff in the initial evaluation of possible urinary tract infection (UTI) in residents without a urinary catheter.


COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

COVID-19 Focused Survey Readiness Book

This resource is intended to help nursing homes prepare for the COVID-19 Focused Survey.

COVID-19 Focused Survey Readiness Book

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Simple Strategies for Infection Prevention – Don’t Touch Your Face!

This resource is intended to remind nursing home staff and residents not to touch their face and offers tips for infection prevention.

Simple Strategies for Infection Prevention – Don’t Touch Your Face!

COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Patient and Family Engagement, Patient and Resident Safety

Don’t Touch Your Face poster

This poster reminds nursing home staff and residents not to touch their face as an infection prevention strategy.

Don’t Touch Your Face poster

Infection Prevention, Quality Improvement

Hand Hygiene Competency Validation – SPICE Tool

This tool is intended to help health care providers assess staff understanding of hand hygiene.

Hand Hygiene Competency Validation – SPICE Tool

COVID-19, Telehealth

Tips for Engaging Patients via Telehealth

This resource shares tips for clinician practices on how to clearly communicate the practice’s telehealth technology, processes, guidelines and service information.


Adverse Drug Events, Antibiotic Stewardship, C. diff, COVID-19, Infection Prevention, Medication Safety, Patient and Resident Safety, Sepsis

Simple Strategies for Antibiotic Stewardship

This resource offers tips and information about antibiotic stewardship to prevent adverse drug events.

Simple Strategies for Antibiotic Stewardship to Prevent Adverse Drug Events